Introduction - Path to "Spiritual Villages" - Success Story

After the success of the Children’s Village program organized by the International Nonprofit Fund, we received extensive support and participation from numerous members and many questions. Children are always a topic of particular concern because they are our future and bear the pressures of society and family.

Children - Our Future Children are the pride and hope of society. Each child has infinite potential, but many parents place high expectations, creating immense pressure.

Pressure from Family and Society Many parents want their children to excel, forgetting their innocent childhood. This needs to change for children to live true to their childhood.

A Bright Future for Children For a bright future, we need to:

  • Respect Individuality: Listen and respect their interests and abilities.
  • Reduce Academic Pressure: Education is important, but not everything. Allow children time to play and relax.
  • Encourage Creativity and Exploration: Provide opportunities for creativity and exploration.
  • Create a Supportive Environment: Be a companion, always supporting and encouraging them.

Joining Hands for a Beautiful Future We aim to create a better living environment for children, calling everyone to contribute, investing in the best living environment for all future generations. At the same time, addressing parents' worries, investing in personal peace, and the future of children.

Join the investment fund for building the Future Children's Village in here

Dear investors, parents, and social welfare funds,

We, the "The Love Kids' Village Canada" project team, are pleased to present to you a detailed plan for a social support model aimed at building a small but comprehensive and sustainable community for children and families. With the unity and contributions from investors and parents alike, we believe this model will bring long-term opportunities and benefits to the community and the future of children.

Vision and Objectives:

To build a supportive community for children and families where everyone is respected and cared for. To provide a safe and nurturing environment where every child can develop physically, mentally, and socially. To create education, health, and social support programs tailored to the community's needs. Detailed Plan:

Infrastructure: Constructing and developing infrastructure such as housing, schools, hospitals, and playgrounds for children. Ensuring safety and amenities for all members of the community. Education and Learning Programs: Designing courses and educational programs suitable for the age and needs of children. Creating conditions for children to learn and develop new skills naturally and positively. Psychological and Social Support: Providing counseling and psychological support services for children and families. Building a positive social environment where everyone is encouraged and supported. Community Cooperation and Development: Collaborating with local and international organizations to expand support networks and development. Creating programs and events for interaction to strengthen relationships within the community. Benefits and Welfare:

A small but powerful community where everyone is supported and cared for. Children have the opportunity to develop fully and achieve their potential. The unity and support from the community bring long-term benefits to everyone. We hope to have your participation and support for this noble goal, to build a meaningful and sustainable community for children and their future. Thank you for your interest and support. Contact

Tam Foundation, of Angel Edu Tam Foundation Inc.

Tam Foundation, a branch of Angel Edu Tam Foundation Inc., is dedicated to creating sustainable value for the community through sharing, guidance, and giving. Our programs are designed to support children, "angels," parents on their spiritual and educational journeys, and those facing unexpected hardships, particularly in monastic villages. Here are some of our key programs:


  • Scholarships: We provide scholarships to students in difficult circumstances, giving them the opportunity to access knowledge and develop their future.
  • Learning Materials: We supply books, educational materials, and essential resources to help students achieve academic success.
  • Workshops and Courses: We organize various workshops and courses on life skills, career development, arts, and sports to enhance the skills and knowledge of individuals in the community.


  • Free Healthcare Programs: We offer free healthcare services, including regular health check-ups, medical consultations, and the provision of necessary medications.
  • Nutrition Support: Our programs include nutritional support for children and the elderly to ensure their well-being and health.

Skill Development

  • Life Skills Training: We conduct training sessions on essential life skills to help individuals become more self-reliant and confident.
  • Vocational Training: We provide vocational training to help people develop skills that can lead to stable employment and improved livelihoods.
  • Arts and Sports: Our programs include arts and sports activities to encourage creativity, teamwork, and physical health.

Community Development

  • Infrastructure Projects: We implement projects to build and improve infrastructure, such as schools, community centers, and healthcare facilities.
  • Environmental Improvement: Our initiatives aim to enhance the living environment, promoting sustainability and community well-being.
  • Cultural and Sports Activities: We organize cultural events and sports activities to foster community spirit and engagement.

Financial Support

  • Support for Families: We provide financial aid to families in need, helping them overcome economic challenges and stabilize their lives.
  • Investment Opportunities: We create opportunities for small business development, enabling individuals to improve their income and quality of life.

Real-Life Learning Experiences

  • Experiential Learning Programs: We offer programs that combine education with real-life experiences, helping individuals gain practical knowledge and skills.
  • Monastic Village Support: We support parents and children in monastic villages, providing them with the resources and guidance they need to thrive.

Social Support Network

  • Comprehensive Support: We build a multi dimensional social support network, connecting individuals, organizations, and businesses to provide comprehensive and effective assistance to the community.
  • Volunteer Engagement: We encourage and support volunteer activities, creating opportunities for like-minded individuals to contribute to positive social change.

Join Us

At Tam Foundation, we believe in the power of community and the importance of creating sustainable and positive change. We invite you to join us in our mission to support and uplift those in need. Together, we can build a brighter future for all.

Contact Us: